Madagascar: presentation of the country

“Presentation of the country ”.
- Along the coastal areas: in the summer the temperature may rise to 30°C, in winter it is around 20°C.

Economic resources
1. Human resources
a. Young population
b. Skillful and well-trained workforce
c. Competitive salaries
2. Natural resources
a. Unique and diversified forest ecosystems
b. Palm – rosewood – ebony tree – purple-wood
c. Valuable Ores (quartz, mica, graphite...)
d. Fishery resources
3. Sectors open to investment
a. Tourism
b. Mining Industry
c. Fishery and Water farming
d. Export-oriented industry
e. Artisanship
f. Agriculture
g. Basic infrastructure: roads, telecommunication, transport and other ..

a. Main products exported to France, US, Germany, Japan, UK: coffee, clove, vanilla, prawns, textile, chromites
b. Main products imported from France, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Mauritius, China, South-Africa, Belgium: equipments, oil products, vehicles, cement, primary products (textile, chemical agents, iron and steel ...etc.)

Improved investment environment
1. Foundation of the Economic Development Board Madagascar (EDBM).
2. Simplified administrative procedures within EDBM:
+ Formation of enterprises within 3 days
+ Granting of the status of “free zone” enterprises within 20 days
+ Acquisition of land by foreign investors within 60 days
+ Granting investor’s long-stay visa within 5 days
+ Work permit within 72 hours.

Foreigners’ access to land property
(Reference: Law 2003/028 of 21.08.2003)
1. Presentation of the investment program
2. Handing in the investment contribution certificate in case of investment superior to 5.000.000 USD

Land open to investment:
1. 5.000-25.000 m², in case of investment in foreign currency with the possibility of exemption.
2. Possibility of long-term land leases for a duration between 18 to 99 years:
+ Development of Industrial free zones
+ Allocation of tourism land reserves.

Financial regulation
2 operative regulations:
1. General legal regulation: applicable to all activities on the local market.
2. Exceptional regulations:
a. free zone enterprises maintained for the export-oriented activities .
b. Law on Larger Mining Investments (superior to 250 million USD)

Guarantees regarding investments
1. Madagascar is a member of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), the Worldbank multilateral agency for the guarantee of investments.
2. Madagascar joined the African Trade Insurance Agency (ATIA)
3. Malagasy Arbitration and Mediation Centre (CAMM), organisation financed by USAID (United States Agency for International Development)
4. An investment protection agreement is preferable between the two states.

Legal regulations
+ Liberty of investment / freedom of enterprise for foreigners
+ Protection of capital and investment
+ Financial aid and profit can be freely transferred in foreign currency
+ Freedom to use expatriate managerial stuff (such as the post of managing director or executive director)
+ Equal treatment of investors

Natural resources
Diversified flora:
+ 95% of the species are indigenous to Madagascar
+ Orchid, briar-rose, dwarf baobab tree
+ Vast uncultivated land
Unique fauna:
+ 32 species of lemur
+ 190 species of amphibian
+ 250 species of reptilian.

Tourism Madagascar: pearl of the Indian Ocean
+ Unique island with tiny isles along its coastline .
+ Crossroad between Asia and Africa where the sun shines throughout the year.
+ Discovering the National Parks, Reserves, white, sandy beaches and volcanic canyons
+ Water sports
+ Wind surf and diving

+ Spices: pepper, cinnamon, ginger, curcuma, paprika, vanilla, clove, menthe, amaranth, geranium (production 3000 tons per annum)
+ Essential oils: ylang-ylang, cinnamon
+ Medicinal herbs : centella asiatica, raventsara
+ Textile fibres: raphia, rush, cotton
+ Other: bio sugar (sugar-cane)

Mineral resources
Rich subsoil:
+ World leader in mica, second in chromites, substantial reserve of quartz, marble, graphite, nickel, cobalt, titanium, iron, copper and gold and lead rich in cassiterite
+ Semi-precious stones: ruby, sapphire, emerald, beryl

Fishery resources
+ 5.000 km coastline
+ 2 sea miles of continental shelf
+ 2.000 km² surface of lake, river or other water farming units

+ 450.000 tons of fishery and sea product (tuna, octopus, calamari, algea, trepang, prawn, lobster)
+ One of the most dynamic sub-sectors of Malagasy economy
+ Possibility for ameliorating the re-exploitation conditions
+ Lands open to investment behind the mangrove trees.

special Offer
Madagascar, an exceptional tourist attraction
Madagascar "the Red island", with its large rivery from the West that flow into the channel of Mozambique but also Madagascar, "the Green island" with its luxurious jungle in the East, its dry forests in the West and its thorny bushes int he South.
The largest Island of the Indian Ocean amazes many travellers looking for exotic landscapes. The landscapes vary a lot, rich and different everywhere. Massifs in the form of ruins at Isalo, strongholds of jagged tsingy in the limestone massifs and clasified as a World Patrimory by UNESCO, coral reefs and mangroves bordering the 5 000 km of coasts are only some elements to be discovered int he immensity of a country with contrasted regions. This sanctuary of nature shelters endemic fauna and flora that live in harmony with the Malagasy people, well known for cultural richness.
Aware of these exceptional tourism potentialities, Madagascar has set up a policy that is cocerned with the developement of an equitable and interdependent tourism, vehicle of a sustainable development, both for the Malagasy economy and for its visitors and environment.
Still far behind the great flow of tourits, but already appreciated by the connoissors and amators of a true tourism who have become unconditional fans, Madagascar is the promise of an original and authentic tourism.
To promote Foreign Investments in the Republic of Madagascar the following measures were taken:
+ A foreign investor may acquire property already in the tourism sector.
+ The investors enjoy tax relief to agricultural and industrial equipment, transport and commercial vehicles, household appliances and IT equipment concerned.
+ In order to simplify the administrative procedures, an Office for Investment and Development in Single Window (GUIDE = Guichet Unique des Investissements et de Developement de l'Entreprise) has been set up.
Thanks to these favorable conditions, the island is open and looks forward to visitors and investors.
Madagascar is safe! Madagascar should be discovered?
Together, let us discover this Island Continent with its virgin sites.
Randrianasolo Lalarison Richard Louis
honorary consul
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